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Data security

AntivirusAmericas guarantees a secure digital environment for our corporate users and their homes, with staff, highly qualified, prepared and committed to the security needs of our users. We have a presence throughout Latin America, handling high standards in computer technology, which makes us the safest, most responsible, and reliable option and solid in how much services and technical solutions are concerned. 

Protect your equipment is our main objective, that is why we work with tools of guaranteed and recognized quality worldwide, such as Avast products, this powerful resource helps to improve performance, verify and constantly update all your equipment and avoid problems that could trigger a breakdown or a threat.

 Avast detects nearly half a million viruses daily from its observation points around the world. There are so many similar viruses that it is necessary to constantly automate the type of analysis and detection to ensure the complete protection of computers.

Antivirus Avast Business CloudCare fully protects our equipment so that the system is not infected by executable files that we can load without realizing what we are doing. It also covers us so that the reception of infected emails does not end the stability of our company and protects both us and our employees when browsing the Internet, avoiding online contagion. Last but not least, having an antivirus installed will mean that we can fight the presence of spyware, which will keep our company’s information always safe.


Cybercrime damage costs are projected to reach $ 6 trillion annually by 2021:

The annual losses from the cyber attack,  are expected to reach $ 6.000 billion in 2021 (up from $ 3.000 billion in 2015), while IT security spending would exceed a trillion dollars, so  cumulative over a period of five years prior to 2021. This is estimated by an investigation conducted by Cybersecurity Ventures.

The report suggests that the most worrying thing is  financial cost,  that of credibility and that of trust that comes after a cyber attack on an organization. It is necessary to implement effective cyber recovery strategies to help moderate financial losses in the short or long term. A study by Pentland Analytics and Aon found that the preparation of A company is important to mitigate reputational risk, and the behavior of its management team in the immediate aftermath of a crisis can have a significant impact on its stock price behavior in the short and long term.

Having a software specialized and comprehensive antivirus such as Avast Business Cloudcare for  protect your company, it is necessary, since This product can reduce the risk of suffering one or more of these attacks and the impact of them, with plenty of time to stop the maneuvers of the  hackers

Ransomware damage costs are predicted to increase more than 57 times from 2015 to 2021:

Costs from ransomware damage are projected to reach $ 20 billion by 2021 compared to $ 325 million in 2015. Ransomware attacks on healthcare organizations are # 1, and that that number will quadruple by 2020. Cybersecurity Ventures expects a business to fall victim to a ransomware attack every 11 seconds by 2021. This makes ransomware the fastest growing type of cybercrime.

The most important thing is to prepare, in this sense, companies must strengthen themselves with Avast Business Cloudcare, a preventive and reinforcement tool to guarantee the defense and total protection of data and information of your company or business.


43% of cyberattacks affect small businesses:

Small businesses invest the least in security measures.
The problem grows even more when the figures show a situation in which 60% of SMEs do not recover after a cyberattack.

That is why it is not only necessary to protect companies against hackers, but also against the behaviors that cause this situation. First of all, you must use an Avast antivirus Business CloudCare, this powerful product is constantly updated at all times and alerts you to new viruses that abound on the network. Likewise, it is recommended to have a specialized technical support service and attention at all times to counteract and prevent all incidents caused by new and old existing viruses, also, the operating system must be kept updated at all times, because it usually contains patches that are repairing security gaps.

Avast Business Cloudcare offers the possibility for your company or business to protect its most important assets, which are information and data, this antivirus is a complete suite of protection for PCs and other devices, the application in its latest version, has many functions and Multi-functional security tools to protect your entire digital environment. A powerful product with effective and complete defense instruments to guarantee data and information security.

90% of hackers cover their tracks using encryption:

Criminals (hackers) can steal your data and inform you that you have a limited time to recover it. They can do all this without leaving any trace and when you notice it, your information will be in the hands of cybercriminals.

That is why the most beneficial recommendation is that you have the support of Avast Business Cloudcare, a powerful product that offers you complete protection against cyberattacks, it is a very complete antivirus that prevents and decontaminates your equipment, to guarantee the security of your data, it also has technical support services, qualified and available for when you need it.


It takes a company between 6 months and 197 days to detect a security breach:

A security breach is a security incident that affects data. This incident may have an accidental or intentional origin and may also affect information processed digitally or in paper format. In general, it is an event that causes destruction, loss, alteration, communication or unauthorized access to important data and information. This situation can be very dangerous for the stability and credibility of a company, which is why it is vitally important to prepare to avoid it. Having a specialized and complete antivirus software such as Avast Business Cloudcare to protect your company is necessary, since this product can reduce the risk of suffering one or more of these attacks and the impact of them, with plenty of time to stop the attacks. hackers’ maneuvers. 

The most expensive component of a virtual attack is data loss, which accounts for 43% of costs:

The data reveals that due to the great variety and greater sophistication of the growing online financial threats, the losses produced by online fraud, identity theft, and hacking have increased to millions of dollars.
It is not easy to recover from the impact of a cyberattack since you have to consider the following areas to deal with:

  • Loss of profits due to business interruption
  • Theft of data (industrial secret, personal data, etc.).
  • Extortion expenses.
  • Damage or loss of data in computer systems.
  • Expenses in notification of those affected, crisis management, recovery of systems and information.
  • Costs of Civil and Legal liability with sanctions and claims (by entities such as the Data Protection Agency or other public entities).
  • Reputational cost of image and reputation in RRSS (especially in financial services, banking, health, law or other services in which personal information is processed).

Our Avast antivirus product is the fastest and most complete protection for your company or business, it is powered by the largest threat detection network in the world. The power of 400 million terminals, combined with unique detection algorithms, in addition to a set of features, all in the same package, allows detecting and blocking any threat, faster and more reliably than any other software, this combination guarantees the security of all your equipment and of course your data and information.


The two most frequent attacks are malware attacks and web-based ones. Companies spend an estimated $ 2.4 million on defense:

Cybercrime attacks all sectors and is at all levels, although some businesses are more vulnerable than others. 93% of attacks use email as a gateway, hence the importance of raising awareness among employees. The lack of good software that provides complete protection, coupled with the belief that this will not happen, leaves companies at the mercy of cybercrime, since little protection makes them easy targets for attack.

In addition to preparing to protect their assets, companies now need to be prepared to respond. It is important that you know how to act and remedy it as soon as possible, because time is of the essence.

The most important thing is to prepare, in this sense, companies must strengthen themselves with Avast Business Cloudcare, a preventive and reinforcement tool to guarantee the defense and total protection of data and information of your company or business.

More than 4,000 ransomware attacks occur per day:

With the new situation we are experiencing worldwide with the pandemic, cybercrime is more destructive and sophisticated and can even paralyze an entire industry, compromising business, impacting on the loss of information, image of the organization, damage to intellectual property and generate financial losses. In “Ransomware”, the attacker locks a user off their computer or network without access to files, folders or drives and demands a financial ransom to regain access.

For this reason, we recommend working with experts in security, tools and solid and robust technological platforms. Avast Business Cloudcare is the most prepared and complete antivirus software to face and prevent these types of contingencies. With its constantly updated system and a series of powerful tools, it can guarantee your company the security and protection it needs.


91% of attacks start with the spear phishing technique, which aims to hack emails and infect organizations.

Spear-phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails from a known or trusted sender to induce specific people to reveal confidential information.

The Spear phishing attack is among the most used to undermine cybersecurity. A spear phishing attack requires advanced hacking skills and is very difficult to detect because they generally rely on the end user to open a file in a specific, personal email. Spear phishing attacks typically target decision makers within a company.

Avast Bussines Cloudcare has powerful tools to counter spear phishing, some of them are:

  • Mail Shield: it is an additional layer of active protection in Avast Antivirus. Scans your incoming and outgoing email messages in real time for malicious content such as viruses.
  • Antispam: prevents spam and unwanted emails from reaching the email management software inbox.
  • Exchange Protection: Scans all emails and filters malicious emails before they reach you.

76% of businesses reported being victims of phishing attacks in the last year:

Phishing is the main protagonist of malware attacks and they are usually comprised of a malicious email attachment or an email with a malicious embedded link. Phishing emails often falsely claim that they are an established or legitimate business. Phishing emails are generally easy to spot if you know what you’re looking for. They often have a large number of grammar and spelling errors and tend to ask for personal or credit information.

In this sense, our Avast antivirus product is the fastest and most complete protection for your company or business, it is powered by the largest threat detection network in the world. The power of 400 million terminals, combined with unique detection algorithms, in addition to a set of features, all in the same package, allows detecting and blocking any threat, faster and more reliably than any other software, this combination guarantees the security of all your equipment and of course your data and information.


71% of customers say they would leave an organization or company, after learning that it has been violated or hacked:

It takes a lot of time and work, to regain the trust of your customers after suffering an attack or violation of your company’s information, users fear that all their data will fall into the hands of malicious people and may use it to cause damage personal. Your company is one of your most valuable possessions and you must protect it, that is why you must prepare yourself with the best available security system that guarantees you success in these situations, that accompanies you in the process and really protects your data. Avast Business Cloudcare has complete and effective tools to prevent and win the battle against hackers, we have a series of totally reliable defense lines that responds forcefully to these states of alarm and ensures the protection of your company or business.

A hacker attack occurs every 39 seconds:

During the coronavirus crisis, hacker attacks have been registered all over the world, one occurs every 39 seconds, this includes even hospitals, as warned officials of the United Nations (UN). In the world of computer security, the most affected will always be the user, since they all use computers every day, some care, that is why they are usually the easiest target.
Protecting corporate information by avoiding the attack of any virus and data theft is decisive for business expansion. All companies in the world are a potential target of cybersecurity risks, which is why it is extremely important that the industry faces the challenge of supporting the care of its customers’ data, considering that attackers are constantly perfecting their strategies and actions to access the most important user information.

Our Avast Business Cloudcare antivirus product is a complete suite of protection for PCs and other devices, the application in its latest version, has numerous functions and multi-functional security tools to protect your entire digital environment. A powerful product with effective and complete defense instruments to guarantee the security of the most important data and information of your company.


38% of global companies think they could handle a major cyberattack if it happened:

The remaining percentage is unprepared, which are dire odds when more than half of the companies have experienced some kind of attack in the last year.
The growing dependence of companies and people on the Internet and new information and communication technologies means that no company is really safe from a cyberattack. The asset that is most at risk is corporate reputation and the costs derived from these situations represent large sums, in addition to the loss of time, which considerably affects the attention to the needs of our users.

In the event we are victims of a cyber attack, our response must be quick and effective. The actions will depend on the type of attack in particular, but in general, we must ensure that the continuity of the service is sustained. For these cases Avast Business Cloudcare has a competent, successful, expert and quick to offer solutions with technical support that can stop the attack, that together with the strong characteristics of antivirus software, constitute a battle won for your company.

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We are here to provide any help you may need. For technical problems or help with installation, use our SUPPORT form to open a support ticket. If you have product questions or if you need information about the product, please use this contact form or if you prefer to speak to a representative call us at (305) 302-5543.  If you want us to call you back, specify that you want us to call you on the following form, and include your phone number and we will be happy to answer any question you may have. If you have a current subscription please include your order number.

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